Library Databases
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15 Online Resources Found
Covers articles in computer science and related fields. Full text of items from ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) publications, plus citations from major publishers
ACS American Chemical Society Database
Also known as: American Chemical Society E-Journal Collection
Utica University's subscriptions to ACS Publications
APS Journal Legacy Archive
Also known as: American Physiological Society Journal Legacy Archive
The APS Journal Legacy Archive provides full text historical access to 13 American Physiological Society research journals from the first issue published through 1997. Journal titles may be browsed or searched (collectively and individually). more
Ebooks via EBSCO
Also known as: EBSCO E-Books
Large collection of ebooks accessible here and through the library catalog.
Provides a single-source way to search for academic/scholarly literature. Use Settings and My Library to customize content
GreenFILE is a research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment, with well-researched but accessible information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources and beyond. Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the ecology. more
Ovid Journals Full Text
Also known as: Journals@Ovid Full Text
Nursing and Physical Therapy Journals: American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; Pediatric Physical Therapy
Project Muse is a scholarly, full text e-journal collection with an integrated search engine that provides access to titles in the humanities, arts and social sciences. more
Science Online
Also known as: Science Magazine
Provides access to Science magazine online, a peer-reviewed outlet for scientific news, commentary and cutting-edge research. The Library does not maintain a subscription to this resource. more is a gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies including research and development results. allows you to search over 1850 US government agency sites in a single interface. more
ScienceDirect is one of the largest providers of scientific, technical and medical literature. Many articles are available via open access.